Does your Grand Rapids cleaning company have insurance?
Posted by Jessica Katsma on Oct 3, 2012 in cleaning services | Comments Off on Does your Grand Rapids cleaning company have insurance?

Looking for a Grand Rapids MI house cleaning service or office cleaning company can be a challenge. If you don’t have a personal referral or some connection you most likely will jump online and start the search. With so many to choose from what makes one stand out from the rest? You can start to narrow down your Grand Rapids, MI cleaning services search by finding out if they have insurance or not. This is a simple item that you can check ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ to help narrow down your search.
Why does having a Grand Rapids cleaning service with insurance really matter?
Choosing a cleaning company that has insurance is good practice for one. As with any insurance you hope that nothing ever happens. But as most know, stuff CAN happen, and knowing that your cleaning company is prepared is a stress relief. We understand that whatever home or business we clean it is someones personal place of employment or living. It is filled with items that you love and cherish or need to run your business. If anything every happened you need to know that it can get replaced immediately and at full value. You should know that we will only want to impact you in a good way, or have the means to make things right if ‘stuff’ happens.
Also having insurance is a good way to protect yourself, the home or business owner, in the case of any unfortunate events that may come along. Less Mess With Jess has been fortunate to not have any specific events causing us to need to use our insurance. That we are thankful for. However, we what to provide you with the knowledge that we are prepared if anything unfortunate happens on our watch and the promise to get it fixed and straightened out immediately.
Insurance, not a glamorous topic.
I having been thinking about how to write a post letting you know that our Grand Rapids cleaning services does have insurance. While this is not the most compelling topic to write about, it is still important to note. Recently we have been getting more potential clients asking specifically if we have insurance. They want to know up front if we do or do not have insurance even before requesting a quote.
So as you go through the process of looking for a cleaning service in Grand Rapids, please ask if they have insurance. It is a reassuring feeling that if anything does happen, you are covered. As with Less Mess with Jess cleaning services, you can check ‘YES’ to a Grand Rapids cleaning company with insurance!